It’s a great time to be a Stranger Things fan. The show just won a SAG Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series, stole headlines with its 30-second teaser of season two during the Super Bowl, has a cover feature in this week’s Entertainment Weekly despite its second season only debuting all the way in October, and has an awesome line of POPs coming from Funko early this year.
Featuring POPs for all the major characters including Eleven with a box of Eggo’s, Joyce with a ball of Christmas lights and, yes there’s even one of poor, sweet Barb, fans of the show and POP collectors alike will want to snatch these up once they hit the shelves. Also, for all you chasers out there, there are Chase variants of a menacing Demogorgon and an Eleven with blonde wig Chase variants to hunt down.
Binge season one on Netflix right now and get aboard, or out of the way of, the much-deserved Stranger Things hype train that’s coming in 2017. You can pre-order the whole crew below at Entertainment Earth.
Stranger Things Eleven Pop! Vinyl Figure – BUY NOW
Stranger Things Barb Pop! Vinyl Figure – BUY NOW
Stranger Things Demogorgon Pop! Vinyl Figure – BUY NOW
Stranger Things Dustin Pop! Vinyl Figure – BUY NOW
Stranger Things Joyce Pop! Vinyl Figure – BUY NOW
Stranger Things Lucas Pop! Vinyl Figure – BUY NOW
Stranger Things Mike Pop! Vinyl Figure – BUY NOW
Stranger Things Will Pop! Vinyl Figure – BUY NOW