Designed with pop culture fanatics in mind, Funko has announced a brand new line of stylized vinyl collectibles called Vnyl. which features 2 figures per pack. Based on the idea that “There is no I in VYNL. Because there’s always TWO of them!”, included in the first wave of Vynl. figures are the Masters of the Universe He-Man + Trapjaw, A Nightmare Before Christmas Sall + Jack Skellington, or Horror Freddy Krueger + Jason Voorhees VYNL 2-Packs which are all arriving in October of this year but available to pre-order through the links below. Watch for more 2-packs to arrive between now and the end of 2017.
MOTU He-Man + Trapjaw VYNL Figure 2-Pack – BUY NOW
The Nightmare Before Christmas Sally + Jack VYNL Figure 2-Pack – BUY NOW
Horror Freddy + Jason VYNL Figure 2-Pack – BUY NOW