One of the great things about the return of Hasbro’s Vintage Star Wars Collection is the new figures and vehicles we are getting. The packaging is of course a big part of what we all love about the Vintage Collection, but, Hasbro is also giving us things they probably wouldn’t make in the basic Star Wars line. The Star Wars The Vintage Collection Rogue One Imperial Combat Assault Hovertank is definitely something that will appeal to the older hardcore fans—which is who the Vintage Collection is made for. The Hovertank is available for pre-order from Entertainment Earth and will ship in August 2018.
From Entertainment Earth:
It’s amazing! The Star Wars The Vintage Collection Rogue One Imperial Combat Assault Hovertank Vehicle is ready to roll out against Rebel scum. Complete with coffee mugs, treads, cargo, and amazing weathering, this is one of Hasbro’s most fantastic items ever. You won’t want to miss this one, and it’s going to look great with your Jedha-themed figures. Order yours now!