By now we’ve for sure seen every incarnation of The Joker possible. From Heath Ledger’s portrayal of what a real life Clown Prince of Crime could be to a Joker who’s literally peeled his face off in the comic, there surely can’t be room for another version of the character. Well, the visionaries over at Square Enix have proven us wrong with the unveiling of their new insane Play Arts Kai figure of The Joker.
From legendary Final Fantasy designer Tetsuya Noruma, this Joker figure looks to depict the villain’s entire lifespan with seven swappable heads (including a Red Hood sculpt and an old man Joker face) and a crazy exoskeleton that transforms from mechanical arms to a walker for getting around when he’s an old clown.
Set to release in October, you can pre-order The Joker Variant Play Arts Kai Figure at Entertainment Earth.