These 6 inch Avengers: Infinity War figures from Hasbro are definitely made for the younger collectors. They offer limited articulation but are much more durable for rough play. This Wave 2 assortment comes with Infinity Stones accessories and if you collect all the figures in the set you can have all the Stones from Infinity War! The Wave 2 series is comprised of Iron Spider, Gamora, Falcon, Scarlett Witch, Iron Man, Captain America and Doctor Strange, which follows Wave 1 (including Iron Man, Hulk, Rocket Racoon and Groot). Arriving in May, you can pre-order now from Entertainment Earth.
Product Info:
- 6 inch (15.24cm) scale
- Made of plastic
- Attach included Infinity Stone to included accessory
- Inspired by the Avengers: Infinity War movie
- Hero Vision compatible (sold separately)
- Infinity Stones provide power-ups in the Hero Vision gameplay!