The G.I. Joe ReAction Figures (Wave 5) by Super7 have been revealed including nine new 3 3/4-inch action figures that are now available to pre-order. Included in the wave are Raven from the “In the Presence of Mine Enemies” arc, a G.I. Joe MP, and a Cobra Trooper in a Super7 original Camouflage Infantry colorway, as well as Duke and Snake Eyes from “The Vines of Evil” episode, Mutt & Junkyard, Xamot & Tomax, and Red Laser. Take a closer look at all nine Wave 5 G.I. Joe ReAction Figures that are available to pre-order below.
Super7 G.I. JOE ReAction Figures (Wave 5)
G.I. Joe Red Laser ReAction Figure
G.I. Joe Raven ReAction Figure
G.I. Joe Tomax ReAction Figure
G.I. Joe Xamot ReAction Figure
G.I. Joe Mutt and Junkyard ReAction Figure
G.I. Joe Combat Gladiator Duke ReAction Figure
G.I. Joe Combat Gladiator Snake Eyes ReAction Figure
G.I. Joe MP Clean Shaven (Brown) ReAction Figure
G.I. Joe Cobra Trooper (Camouflage Infantry) ReAction Figure